Textbook is Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, by Sam Boggs, Jr., Fifth Edition.  Relevant chapter numbers are shown in bold below.  Supplementary material, available on Canvas, is shown in italics.  Three class periods in late April are reserved for field trips.  Which field trip, if any, will be run on which days will be weather dependent.  In weather is not cooperative we will remain indoors and examine papers by Carlton Brett and Gordon Baird which review various field trips which they have led in western NY for the NYSGA.


January 20

Martin Luther King Day -- No Class

January 21

Introduction; Course Overview; Review
NY Tectonics

January 27

NY Geologic Road Map
NYSGA Database

January 28

Hornell Geologic Map (1954); Regional Dips; Units

February 3

Wellsville Bulletin 326  (1942)
12   Lithostratigraphy 1

February 4

12   Lithostratigraphy 2

February 10

1  Weathering and Soils

February 11

2   Transport and Deposition of Grains

February 17

3  Grain Size and Shape

February 18

Chesapeake Bay Sediment Study

February 24 

First Graded Learning Opportunity

February 25

4  Sedimentary Structures
Channeled Scabland

March 2

  5  Sandstones and Conglomerates

March 3

5  Mudstones, Shales and Fracking

March 9 --  Spring Break

March 10 --  Spring Break

March 16

6  Carbonate Rocks

March 17

7  Other Sedimentary Rocks
Fayetteville Green Lake

March 23

7  Fossil Fuels

March 24

15  Geologic Time
Geologic Time Scale

March 30

15  Stable and Unstable Isotopes

March 31 

Second Graded Learning Opportunity

April 6

13  Seismic Stratigraphy

April 7

13  Sequence Stratigraphy

April 13

14  Biostratigrapy

April 14

15   Event Stratigraphy

April 20

16  Basin Analysis and Tectonics

April 21

Field Trip or Brett & Baird paper

April 27

Field Trip or Brett & Baird paper

April 28

Field Trip or Brett & Baird paper

May 4 

Review and Synthesis

May 6   10:15 AM

Final Graded Learning Opportunity

There will be two Graded Learning Opportunities during class time, each worth 25% of your grade, and a two-hour Final Graded Learning Opportunity, worth 50% of your grade. Exams will try to probe your understanding and comprehension of the material. (See Learning Outcomes.)

This syllabus represents my plan for the semester as of the first day of the semester. It is subject to change at my discretion. If you desire to see it modified to include additional material, or omit material which you believe has been adequately covered in some other course, please bring this to my attention as soon as possible.

Please note that attendance is not required. If you attend class, it is expected that you are there to learn what is being discussed. Therefore, if you need to write a paper, surf the web, text message your friends, or engage in other activities which are not part of our classroom discussion, please do not come to class.

Email: envsgeol@gmail.com

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