As part of our Bicentennial Year, we are hoping to assemble a history of each property in the village. To do this, we are asking property owners to supply us with information about their properties.
All properties on the tax rolls, called "parcels" here, have an identifying number made up of digits, dashes, and decimal points. You've probably noticed this whenever you have paid your real estate taxes, but may have wondered what it meant. The first three digits, which are to the left of a decimal point, plus one or two digits just to the right of that decimal point, identify the tract within which the parcel lies. Then there's a dash, and then either a 1 or a 2 followed by another dash followed by a number which may or may not have a decimal point and numbers to the right of it. Got that?
The village has six tracts containing a total of 418 parcels on its tax rolls.
Begin by clicking on the link below called "Map of all the tracts in the village" This will take you to a simplified map of the village (like the figure on the left, above)
There you can click on your tract number to go to an air photo of your tract. (Similar to the figure in the center, above.)
From there click on your parcel and you can see what information we already have for that parcel. (If you prefer to work from a list rather than a photo, click on the link called "List of parcels in this Tract" and you should go to a list similar to the figure on the right, above.)
Background and Objectives
Tracts in the village
Parcels in the village
History Form
Google Earth Placemark
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