
Lake Management Plan

Kathleen Marean's report provides a summary of the physical, chemical, and biological limnology of Sixberry Lake.  There is considerable information about the fish, as well as Eurasian Milfoil, etc.  Her field work was done from Nov 2014 to May 2016.

Go to OP-64-Sixberry-Marean.pdf
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Marean Poster from CSRA 2015

Sixberry Lake: A Case Study in Protecting an Oligotrophic Lake from Anthropogenic Eutrophication

Sixberry Lake is found in the Jefferson County portion of the Indian River Lakes region of New York State. It is a deep, cold, and oligotrophic lake with a number of ground water springs supplying it. The watershed contains little development; therefore, the lake has not suffered from noticeable anthropogenic eutrophication as have other lakes in the region. The majority of the development in the watershed are summer or three season camps (source: Jefferson County Department of Planning), all with septic systems that cause a potential threat to Sixberry Lake's waters as the shores surrounding the Lake are fairly steep and composed of soils with very limited suitability for septic systems (source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service)

Go to SRCA2015-Marean.pdf

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